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Yoga Science offers a methodology from which you will come to understand yourself better on all levels, including your physical well-being, your actions, thought processes, emotions, and desires.
You also come to understand how you relate to the world, and how to lead a successful life in all aspects of living.
Generally, the answer is freedom from the thoughts and emotions that give cause to anxiety, depression, ache, pain, addiction, or cyclical life patterns. Yoga Science, when applied into your life, forms a union between your inner and outer worlds. The word Yoga actually means “unification, to unite with.”
You have to unite yourself with the whole, which is simply a higher state of consciousness, and is experienced as absolute wellness in mind, body and spirit.
Whatever you may be experiencing as a reality: anxiety, depression, addictions, loss of vitality, chaotic thought patterns, you will heal from these conditions, and you will rise into a new level of awareness that will gently guide you into experiencing your fullest potentiality as a human being.
Who are you? Most of us experience ourselves as a 3-dimensional body, and we navigate ourselves through a 3-dimensional world via a very limited system known as the five senses. Through sight, smell, taste, hearing, and touch, our rational mind gathers “data” so we can make choices that keep us safe, or happy. Through the five senses we constantly choose or decide, “I like this,” or “I don’t like that.”
The rational mind works as either a judge or a victim. We are either judging what we believe we like or dislike, or we feel victimized by what the outside world is presenting to us. As a result, our emotions rise in response to what our belief systems present to the rational mind. The mind and emotions are entangled.
Very few people realize that there is world hidden beyond the five senses. This world is discovered through coming to know new levels of consciousness discovered through the healing practices belonging to the Yoga Sciences. The highest level of wisdom or discernment is known as Buddhi.
Buddhi is a Sanskrit word from the Yoga Sciences that describes the faculty of reasoning through one’s higher state of Inner Wisdom, which shines forth in present moment states of mindfulness and awareness.
Buddhi is a passive and latent principle, and it is only experienced through union with absolute consciousness, and becomes the reasoning of Higher Self. This level of consciousness within each of us, and is the only “vehicle” of truth and well-being.
Each person has access to this level of consciousness, and through guided training, you will find it, and become it.
Yoga Science does not tell you what to do and what not to do, but teaches you how to "Be." Once you come to understand the depth of this shift, being verses doing, healing through the Yoga Sciences becomes a quiet unfolding of consciousness.
Through training, you will come to know the known and unknown parts of your life, you will become free from pains and miseries, and you will obtain a wisdom that never departs from you.
Once you rise in consciousness, you will never sink again. Previous patterns of the mind and the entangled emotional states that have had the power to hinder your well-being fade away, and never return.
You have to know without a doubt that you absolutely want to shift into the best you can Be. In short, you must be devoted to yourself, your well-being, and to your life.
An attitude that you will “try and see” how this type of practice will work for you will only keep you where you are.
You have to know within the core of your Being, that something is missing. A part of you feels asleep, or lost, and you must be devoted to this very personal and enlightening inner journey process.
Through self-devotion, you will Awaken, and you become free from all past limitations.
Established in one-pointed concentration you discover your own state of unwavering peace and clarity of mind for setting goals, and experiencing your highest potential in all that you do.
* Live your life Engaged, Awake, and Aware of why you do the things that you do.
* Live with a continued sense of calmness.
* Obtain clarity of mind in higher consciousness. Release confusion and negative thoughts.
* Empower yourself by living a balanced life fused with inspired goals and self-direction.
* Feel an overall sense of success and well-being.
* Harness an Increased level of spiritual wisdom, unveiling your True Purpose.
The philosophies, wisdom teachings, and applied practices embody ancient to modern applications of practical wisdom in your day-to-day living.
All teachings and training programs are personalized for each student based on individual goals, and current level of understanding.
According to the Yoga Science Healing System, humans posses five bodies called the five koshas.
> The physical body
> The energy body
> The mental body
> The wisdom body
> The bliss body
Generally, when we are not feeling well, we seek treatment for our physical body, or counseling for our mental and emotional upsets.
All five bodies are entangled and in "relationship" with each other. In effort to obtain Absolute Freedom from chaotic thoughts, disturbing emotions, and a weak body, you must recognize ALL of who you are.
With Applied Awareness through training in the Yoga Sciences, all disturbances fade away as your authentic Self rises into an optimum state of wellness.
Yoga Science is the Healing Wisdom of YOGA.
You also come to understand how you relate to the world, and how to lead a successful life in all aspects of living.