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Do you have habits that have locked you into repeating life patterns? Do you desire change but feel like you go around in circles despite your best efforts?
Overcoming these types of patterns is the ultimate Soul's Journey.
In this Ultimate Coaching program, expect Victory.
Melinda Johnston, of Buddhi Institute offers a radical approach that causes Victory for the Recovery Process, and anyone desiring Self-Mastery over any addiction, past habits, releasing trauma, or simply wanting to CREATE a CLEAN slate and begin again.
Walking away from an addiction, habit, or lifestyle is a complete reshaping of the Mind, Body, and Spirit. In the beginning, walking away can feel like leaving a friend or part of yourself behind. Absolute Healing involves a grieving process as you leave the past, make peace with all that was, while also planting new seeds of Consciousness that will soon blossom into a majestic mindset. This healing process will bring you into perfect harmony in mind, body and spirit.
You will obtain confidence, relief, and unwavering clarity developed through Mindfulness Training. Soon, you will experience inner calm, and a profound sense of authentic, personal Joy.
Every morning, you rise from sleeping and enter into a realm of "being" called, Waking Consciousness. This portal of Awareness propels you into a NEW day that is full of unlimited potentiality.
However, if you have been living as a slave to an addiction / habit / lifestyle, or surviving from trauma, the first experience you have each day is your Inner Dialogue and Emotional body pulling on you, along with body sensations of withdrawal, craving, and feeling unstable.
Your SOUL wants to go one way, your thoughts, emotions, and body chemistry, pull you back to what you want to escape from. Some days you win, some days the habits win. You are trapped in a spiral, on auto-pilot, and these conditions can bring on feelings of hopelessness.
There's a way out!
Triggers are the life experiences that pull you off course. In this program you will learn what triggers are..."Ghosts in the Machine," and ultimately, they have no real power.
Ghosts in the Machine (sub-consciousness mind) simply work the way they do via the Law of Cause and Effect. This is a huge principle in the Yoga Sciences, and as soon as you learn to Master this Law, your will have your life back.
You are a 3-dimensonal body of Consciousness that has layer, of layer, of layer of Life contained within.
Let me briefly explain >>>
According to the Yoga Science Healing System, humans posses five bodies called the five koshas:
> The physical body
> The energy body
> The mental body
> The wisdom body
> The bliss body
All five bodies are entangled and in "relationship" with each other. In effort to obtain Absolute Freedom from chaotic thoughts, disturbing emotions, addictions, and a weak body, you must recognize ALL of who you are.
With Applied Awareness obtained through training program, all disturbances fade away as your authentic Self rises into an optimum state of well being via the Law of Least Effort.
The first three highlighted "bodies" are limited by the Rational Mind, and chaotic Emotional Body. Healing occurs by accessing the Wisdom Body, which is unlimited.
In addition to our 2 sessions each week, either in person or via ZOOM, your customized coaching program will also include: daily morning texts, evening inspirational messages, follow up notes that highlight our sessions as needed, short phone conversations as needed, and other forms of on-going communication.
You will get your Power back by obtaining Absolute Awareness. You will be given the tools to achieve that.
Most addictions / habits/ and limiting lifestyles occur and express themselves in adulthood due to a traumatic experience during childhood. Young emotional systems do not "know" how to process fear, setback, disappointment, or trauma.
Those experiences stay dormant until awakened later in life by an experience of similar, well...frequency. Suddenly the past and present are connected, and the Adult self finds comfort from outside aides such as:
Unwanted Habits are "caused" by the unconscious mind response for Self-Protection. The first spark is a fight or flight response to fear, or feeling unsafe, unworthy, overwhelmed, unappreciated etc. As the physical, and emotional body felt relief from the first encounter with "drug" or behavior of choice, and new path for coping was established, and then reinforced. Now it's a habit that has taken you as prisoner.
That conditioned response can end today!
This type of Coaching is intense, yet also gentle.
2 Sessions a week, plus daily contact... you will have a mentor "with" you to conquer triggers and chaotic thoughts that have had the power to pull you backward and away from your goals.
Always a phone call away...this coaching program will put you on the path of Victory and keep you there.
Try one week. If you choose to continue, the trial rate will be deducted from the full month total! A win-win!
Turbulent emotions are Messengers of the Soul. They rise to inform us to plug into SOURCE, or our Best Self. These emotions mean that there is a message at hand, a soul lesson to learn, and that something new is trying to enter our lives.
Learn to release the past and boldly go where you want to Go.
Addiction and Recovery Coaching program for Women.
We are stronger together!
New group forming ... this program offers 3 months of Ultimate Wellness Coaching at a fraction of the cost.
Limited to 9 women...begins January 10, 2025
All sessions are on ZOOM. Playbacks are available in the event you need to miss a session.
Expect to obtain Ultimate Wellness on all levels of mind, body, and spirit. EXPECT to WIN this time!
Includes: (2) 90 minute online sessions each week, daily email mindfulness practices, free access to all online classes during the fall season, and more.
Includes: (2) 90 minute online sessions each week, daily email mindfulness practices, free access to 1 online class during the fall season, and more.
Spiritual Philosopher and Coach, Intuitive Healer, Wellness Consultant, International Speaker, Author, and Peace Activist
It is my love and passion teaching practical methods and programs that incorporate mindfulness, along with other ancient wisdoms, for the integration of mind and spirit so a sense of complete wellness arises almost effortlessly into the day to day living of my clients and students.
I look forward to sharing your Inward Journey forUltimate Wellness with you.